How Old Is Weston?

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mommy's Back To Work!

Bailey went back to work on Monday the 26th. It was a very smooth transition and she did just fine despite having to be away from her sweet Little Man. As I've said before, Bailey really and truly has done great with every single aspect of her pregnancy, the birth, adjusting to being a Mom and now returning to work. I'm very, very proud of her. Of course, I'm sure it helps alot for her to know that Scooty is staying with someone who loves him more than anything else in this whole big! I absolutely LOVE watching Weston while Bailey and Brian are at work. It is so incredibly special to get to spend so much time with him and be such a big part of his everyday life. He is such a good little boy and treats me to loads of smiles and pure Scooty sweetness throughout the day.

Daddy drops Weston off at 6:15 in the morning. I love it that he arrives all snuggled up in his jammies. There's just something about babies in pajamas that makes them even cuter! Weston is always asleep at drop off time and I 'm always eager for him to make his first little peep so that I can scoop him out of his carseat!

After lots of snuggle time, I like to give Weston a bath. He just LOVES it! I've found that he prefers his bath water really warm, just like his Mommy and Granny. He just grins and grins while I lather him up with loads of yummy smelling potions! It is completely adorable and definitely one of my favorite parts of our day.

Next comes Scooty's favorite time of day: chow! That boy definitely likes to eat!

Weston really enjoys all of his new daytime friends. Here we are getting ready to walk to the park!

Most of our day is just spent with precious moments like this. What a gift it is for me to have my Scoots!

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