How Old Is Weston?

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

I Miss My Scooty Bug!

It is Friday and Bailey doesn't have to work today so no Scooty Bug for me - ugh. I miss him, but look forward to spending time with him this weekend. I love you, Weston!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weston's Got A Little Tummy Ache!

Poor Scoots had a bit of a tummy ache yesterday and "treated" me to an insane amount of dirty diapers! Mommy took him to the pediatrician just to be sure all was well and the doctor wasn't overly concerned, thank goodness! Probably just a little viral bug biting at our little Scooty Bug! Weston weighed in at 12 obs. 6 oz. - quite the healthy boy! The doctor said his growth is just fine! Yay for The Snoo!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mommy's Back To Work!

Bailey went back to work on Monday the 26th. It was a very smooth transition and she did just fine despite having to be away from her sweet Little Man. As I've said before, Bailey really and truly has done great with every single aspect of her pregnancy, the birth, adjusting to being a Mom and now returning to work. I'm very, very proud of her. Of course, I'm sure it helps alot for her to know that Scooty is staying with someone who loves him more than anything else in this whole big! I absolutely LOVE watching Weston while Bailey and Brian are at work. It is so incredibly special to get to spend so much time with him and be such a big part of his everyday life. He is such a good little boy and treats me to loads of smiles and pure Scooty sweetness throughout the day.

Daddy drops Weston off at 6:15 in the morning. I love it that he arrives all snuggled up in his jammies. There's just something about babies in pajamas that makes them even cuter! Weston is always asleep at drop off time and I 'm always eager for him to make his first little peep so that I can scoop him out of his carseat!

After lots of snuggle time, I like to give Weston a bath. He just LOVES it! I've found that he prefers his bath water really warm, just like his Mommy and Granny. He just grins and grins while I lather him up with loads of yummy smelling potions! It is completely adorable and definitely one of my favorite parts of our day.

Next comes Scooty's favorite time of day: chow! That boy definitely likes to eat!

Weston really enjoys all of his new daytime friends. Here we are getting ready to walk to the park!

Most of our day is just spent with precious moments like this. What a gift it is for me to have my Scoots!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Daddy's A Star!

The reason we moved to Ft. Worth was obviously to be closer to Bailey and Brian. That, alone, was worth leaving San Antonio. However, with the addition of Scooty Bug, I definitely wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world! We love to spend time with Bailey, Brian and Weston and had so much fun going out to dinner last Saturday at El Arroyo.

Mommy & Scoots

I just love them so much!

Proud Uncle Brenner with his little buddy.

My handsome guys!

Daddy LOVES his baby boy!

Bailey's handsome boys!

We had a blast just hanging out, eating great food and enjoying the band outside in the beautiful weather. Weston is always SO good when we go out and just soaks up all the attention that he naturally draws. The band members thought Weston was adorable (duh!) and dedicated lots of songs especially for him! The highlight of the evening,however, was when Brian took the stage and showed off his awesome singing talent! He can really, really sing and play the guitar and it is so fun to see him in his true element. I know that Weston was sooooo proud of his Daddy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Exciting News!!!

Weston got a brand new 3rd cousin this morning - yippee!!!!! His 2nd cousins, Michael & Megan have a new little boy born exactly one month after Weston. And, the very best part is that his name is Easton!!!! How adorable is that??????? What could be more special than a Weston and an Easton in the same family???? We LOVE it and already joke that Weston will always have to stand to the left of Easton in pictures in order for things to be "correct" - haha! Our deepest congratulations to Michael, Megan and Ella. We can't wait to meet your precious bundle of joy! We'll send you all of Weston's clothes as he gets too big for them!

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Auntie" Jenna

We are super excited that Weston's "Auntie Jenna" will be moving to Dallas in just one short month! Jenna is Bailey's best friend and she LOVES Weston. It will be so nice to have her close by and we hope that she will decide to move to Ft. Worth once her internship in Dallas is done. We can't wait until you get here, Jenna!

Jenna meeting Weston for the first time!

I Love My Daily Bailey/Weston Visits!

I have absolutely loved my daily visits from Bailey and Weston while Bailey has been on maternity leave. I'm so happy that she takes the time to include some "Granny" time in every day. It's so great to sit and talk to her about the joys of being a Mom. I think she finally truly realizes how much she means to me because of the depth of her love for Weston. She is doing such a GREAT job as his Mommy!

My baby with her baby!

This is Weston's very first experience in the Bumbo! He sits in it like such a big boy and loves seeing things from this new upright perspective. SO CUTE!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


As most of you already know, I have been an in-home childcare provider for nearly 18 years - yipes! Well, Bailey returns to work on Monday, April 26th and guess what?????? I GET TO WATCH WESTON!!! Whoop Whoop! Sorry to all my past, present and future daycare kiddos, but there's a new kid in town....................
and no one holds a place in my heart quite like he does!

My sweet Harper comes pretty close though...........her Mommy is surprised and thankful that I even allow her to TOUCH Weston - silly girl - ha!

Here's Harper looking so lovingly at her newest friend. Harper is a big help and loves to hold Weston's bottle, bring him a toy, or whatever I may need. Thanks, Shmerps! I love you!

One Month Old Already.....Can It Really Be True?

I just can't believe that Weston has already gone from this:

to this:

Where on earth did the time go???? The past four weeks have just flown by, yet they have been the happiest weeks of my entire life. You bring SO much joy into our lives, little Weston. Your Grandpa and I love watching you grow, seeing you do new things, listening to all your adorable little noises, watching you gobble down your bottles like a great white shark - literally EVERYTHING you do is amazing to us and always will be!
We are so privileged to be such a big part of your life. Happy One-Month Birthday, Little Man! WE LOVE YOU!

Just Some Random Cuteness and How About All Those Names???!!!

In the short time since Weston's birth, we have somehow already come up with dozens of nicknames for him. Scooty Bug, Scoots, Scoo, Buddha Hims, Pony, Piranha, Our Little Ew, Smunchkin, Pookie, Doodlebug, Little get the drift. But, no matter WHAT we call him, the bottom line is that he is the cutest, sweetest, softest, chubbiest, yummiest, smartest, most precious baby in the world!!!! Just see for yourself.......these are a few of my faves!


Those were my EXACT words when I found out that Bailey and Brian were going to let me keep Weston ALL NIGHT LONG for the very first time!!! WOO HOO!!! I was so excited that I almost passed out............would I keep him????? Are you kidding me?????????? I'D LOVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They wanted to enjoy a night out together and I was more than happy to oblige!

Here is Scoots watching basketball with Grandpa.

And looking all fresh and delicious after a nice, warm bath!

Not so sure about ol' Grandpa sometimes! He tells some CrAzY stories! We can't wait to keep you again, Scooty!

Very Important Visitors!

Not long after Weston was born, he received some VIV's - Very Important Visitors! With all of my extended family back in San Antonio, it was soooooooo special when Great Granny, Great-Aunt Brigitte, 2nd cousins Kim & Keri, and 3rd cousin McKenna came to Ft. Worth to meet Weston. So many of my favorite people all together in one place - YIPPEE! I was so incredibly proud to show off my Scooty Bug!

This was the first time my Mom laid eyes on Weston. Time literally stood still for me as I watched her expression when she saw her child's child's child! So cool!

My 2nd Mom - my sister, Brigitte, meeting Weston!

Kimmy & Little Scoo!

Keri Ann & The Doodlebug!

"Little" McKenna & my Little Man!

Such a sweet moment...

I. Simply. Adore. This. Picture. In. Every. Way!

Great-Granny's loving hand on Weston's tiny one............priceless!

Later that night we all went to Uncle Julio's to celebrate Weston's birth...we had a BLAST! Thank you all SO much for coming to see us! We can't wait for you to come back again!

Hook Em' Horns!!!

Weston comes from a loooooong line of Longhorn fans! Here he is showing off his "Little Bitty Longhorn" hiny!

Dreaming of playing for the Longhorns............who knows? Maybe Weston will bring home the Heisman someday!

Here Weston is sending a very clear finger signal to the OU supporters of the world - ha! Our close friends, Jarrod & Jessica are expecting their first little bundle of joy, Boston, in just a few short weeks and are die-hard Sooner fans. We know that Boston and Weston will be the best of friends despite the much anticipated "rivalry"!

Just the CUTEST longhorn EVER!

Uncle Braydon and Uncle Brenner!

My boys are thrilled to be uncles! They absolutely light up every time they talk about Weston and spend time with him every chance they get. It warms my heart to see the love in their eyes and makes me so proud of them. The best thing is that Weston looks just like Braydon and Brenner...What a lucky boy!

Uncle Braydon

Uncle Brenner

First Pediatrician Appointment!

This is Weston looking oh so adorable in his car seat on the way to his 2 week checkup with Dr. Hayward. Check out those big-boy shoes!

Weston weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. - almost back up to his birth weight - Way to go, Weston!

Mommy & Weston waiting for the doc...

Dr. Hayward checked Weston from head to toe...

before declaring that he is PERFECT.....we knew that!